Schedule is subject to change!

Note: Sections meet Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday but for simplicity,
the calendar will show them in the Tuesday time slot.

There will be no Discussion Sections Week 1! See you all at the first lecture!
WedJan 22 Lecture Course Overview and a bit of C
MonJan 27 Lecture Topic 1: Introduction to C
this week's section:
Remote Access, Git, also Linux (as needed, on your own)
WedJan 29 Lecture — Topic 1: Continued
SunFeb 2 Due Topic 01
MonFeb 3 Lecture Topic 2: C Recursion
this week's section:
Compiling and Running C Programs
WedFeb 5 Lecture Topic 3: C Types In-Class Quiz 1
FriFeb 7 Due zyLab 01
SunFeb 9 Due Topic 02
MonFeb 10 Lecture Topic 4: C Pointers
this week's section:
C Debugging, Testing, Formatting
TueFeb 11 Due PA1: Incremental Milestone Topic 03
WedFeb 12 Lecture Topic 5: C Arrays
FriFeb 14 Due Topic 04, zyLab 02-03
MonFeb 17 February Break -- No Lecture
TueFeb 18 February Break -- Tuesday Section may attend W or Th
this week's section:
Optional, Open Office Hours
WedFeb 19 Lecture Topic 6: C Dynamic Allocation In-Class Quiz 2
ThuFeb 20 Due PA1: Math Functions Topic 05
FriFeb 21 Due zyLab 04-05
SunFeb 23 Due Topic 06
MonFeb 24 Lecture Topic 7: Lists and Vectors
this week's section:
Problem-Based Learning
WedFeb 26 Lecture Topic 8: Complexity Analysis
ThuFeb 27 Due PA2: Incremental Milestone
SunMar 2 Due Topic 07
MonMar 3 Lecture — Topic 8: Continued
this week's section:
Profiling? TBD
WedMar 5 Lecture Topic 9: Sorting Algorithms In-Class Quiz 3
ThuMar 6 Due PA2: List and Vector Data Structures
FriMar 7 Due zyLab 06-07
SunMar 9 Due Topic 08
MonMar 10 Lecture — Topic 9: Continued
this week's section:
Sorting Lab
WedMar 12 Lecture Topic 10: Abstract Data Types
ThuMar 13 Due PA3: Incremental Milestone
FriMar 14 Due zyLab 09
SunMar 16 Due Topics 09 & 10
MonMar 17 Lecture Topic 11: Transition to C++
this week's section:
No Section
TueMar 18 Exam Prelim #1 @ 7:30–9:00pm in Baker Lab (room assignments on Canvas)
WedMar 19 Lecture — Topic 11: Continued
SunMar 23 Due Topic 11
Mon24 Lecture Topic 12: Object-Oriented Programming
this week's section:
WedMar 26 Lecture — Topic 12: Continued In-Class Quiz 4
ThuMar 27 Due PA3: Sorting Algorithms
FriMar 28 Due zyLab 11
March 29 - April 6 – Spring Break –
MonApr 7 Lecture — Topic 12: Continued
this week's section:
Object-Oriented Programming Lab
WedApr 9 Lecture — Topic 12: Continued
FriApr 11 Due PA4: Incremental Milestone
SunApr 13 Due Topic 12
MonApr 14 Lecture — Topic 12: Continued
this week's section:
Dynamic Polymorphism Lab
WedApr 16 Lecture Topic 13: Generic Programming In-Class Quiz 5
FriApr 18 Due PA4: Handwriting Recognition Sys – Linear vs. Binary
SunApr 20 Due Topic 13
MonApr 21 Lecture Topic 14: Concurrent Programming
this week's section:
Problem-Based Learning
WedApr 23 Lecture — Topic 14: Continued
ThuApr 24 Exam Prelim #2 @ 7:30–9:00pm (Kimball Hall B11)
MonApr 28 Lecture Topic 15: Trees
this week's section:
Static Polymorphism Lab
TueApr 29 Due PA5: Incremental Milestone
WedApr 30 Lecture Topic 16: Tables In-Class Quiz 6
SunMay 4 Due Topic 15 & 16
MonMay 5 Lecture Topic 17: Graphs
TueMay 6 Due PA5: Handwriting Recognition Sys – Tree vs. Table Topic 17
TDBMay 10-17 Exam Final @ X:00–X:00pm (location TBD)